Baby Friendly Hospital
Breastfeeding Policy
A commission on breastfeeding has been established in our hospital and a written policy has been prepared. This is regularly presented to all health personnel.
All our healthcare personnel receive training in line with this policy.
Pregnant women are informed about the benefits and methods of breastfeeding.
They are helped to start breastfeeding by ensuring that babies have skin-to-skin contact with their mothers in the first hour after birth.
Mothers are shown how to breastfeed and how to continue the breastfeeding process when they are separated from their babies.
Unless medically necessary, newborns are not given food or drink other than breast milk.
A practice is adopted to ensure that mother and baby stay together for 24 hours.
Breastfed babies are never given pacifiers or bottles.
No commercial product promotion or gifts are distributed to breastfed babies, and mothers are not given anything free of charge.
Mothers are informed about primary health care institutions and mother support groups so that they can continue breastfeeding after discharge, solve problems they may encounter, and protect the health of their babies and themselves.
International formula code practices regarding breastfeeding are adopted and implemented.
Breast milk for healthy generations...
You can reach our breastfeeding counselor at 444 8 276.